Get The Best Skin

Anti-Ageing Treatments 

Turn back time with the best anti-aging treatments at Pixel Perfect Aesthetics & Skincare Clinics in London & Southampton! Our skincare treatments are designed to target specific problems and areas. During a consultation, our expert skincare consultants can recommend the perfect treatment plan for your skin’s issues and needs.

The best way to achieve long-lasting results is to make sure you come in for regular appointments at our London or Southampton clinics so that we can ensure your treatments are up-to-date. You should also be using the right skincare products for your skin type at home. If you’re not sure what skincare products you should be using, please ask one of our skincare experts during a consultation and they will be happy to recommend the ideal products for you.

The Best Clinic For Anti-Ageing Treatments Near Me


Central London

Harley Street

the best clinic for aesthetics near me in london

Anti-Wrinkle Treatments For Youthful Skin

Our highly trained aestheticians can subtly reduce wrinkles and fine lines using anti-wrinkle injections for a naturally youthful appearance. Our anti-wrinkle treatments work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles to smoothen out any lines. These are one of our most popular and effective treatments which are suitable for both men and women.

Results can be seen from these anti-wrinkle treatments typically within 7-10 days, and the results usually last between 3-6 months.

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to:

Lift the brow area,

Soften the jaw,

Reduce the appearance of a gummy smile,

Soften ‘bunny-lines’ on the bridge of the nose

PRP Vampire Facial For Glowing Skin

The Vampire Facial is an effective treatment which is very popular among celebrities. This facial works by taking a 15ml blood sample from you which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets. The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is then injected back into the skin for an energy boost which accelerates the body's ability to heal & repair; increasing collagen and elastin, whilst also bringing antioxidant and hydrating properties.

The Vampire Facial Treatment usually takes around 30 minutes, and results are seen within 2-4 weeks for the face. The results include improved appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and firmer, tighter and smoother skin. This treatment is also great for acne, rosacea and scarring. It is also an amazing hair loss treatment as it increases hair growth and maintains hair follicles longer to prevent loss! 

Dermal Fillers For Fuller, Plumper Skin

The face loses volume as we get older, and this can lead to the skin becoming wrinkled, droopy and gaunt. However, dermal fillers can be used to restore or add volume to the face and lips for fuller, plumper and more youthful looking skin!

Dermal fillers can be used to create symmetry, fill in lines or deep folds, enhance the lips, and to contour the face. These fillers contain hyaluronic acid which is a natural substance that is already in our body. This means that over time, dermal filler is naturally broken down and safely reabsorbed into the body. The results can last up to 24 months. But, in the unlikely event you do not like your new look, the results can be easily reversed.

Book Treatments 

To get the best skin, make sure to book you aesthetics treatments at Pixel Perfect Aesthetics & Skincare Clinics in London & Southampton. To book your consultation, please call us on 07412 619823 for Harley Street, London or 023 8023 5456 for Southampton.